

If you are a resident of Woomargama please click here for further information.

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Woomargama is a picturesque village nestled at the foothills of Woomargama National Park with access to the Upper Murray region. Early records show that Woomargama Public School opened in January 1873 and closed in February 1997.

During the 1930s an initiative of the Holbrook Shire Council saw the building of a ‘tourist road’ (Tunnel Road) from Woomargama to Dora Dora. The project absorbed weekly rosters of up to 230 men and lasted 2 years, bringing grants as high as £73,000. Men deployed to the project had to bring their own cooking/eating utensils and provisions for 3 to 4 day work stints. Little other than picks and shovels were used, in order to prolong the job and to maximise the number who could be employed. After lobbying from Albury, the project ended early, and just short of completion of the full length of road.

The Woomargama National Park is located close to the town and is the largest protected area west of the Great Dividing Range in south-eastern NSW, offering many activities such as bush walking, picnics, horse riding,  photography, exploring cultural heritage, sightseeing, bird watching, 4WD driving and motorcycling. In keeping with the environmental theme of the area, local community members have undertaken a re-birding project to revegetate parts of the creek and the local Common for nature conservation.